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RhosaSpinaDesign Core Values - part 1

Since this is one of the first posts on my blog, I thought it right to present the core values I stick to in my life and in my job...

Since this is one of the first posts on my blog, I thought it right to present the core values I stick to in my life and in my job. Since I perceive myself as a whole, I cannot distinguish being a person from working as a designer, I am myself in every moment of the day, no matter what I do. In my opinion, this continuity is very important, at least to me and to the way I lead my business.
  Why dealing with values? Because a value is literally what makes us strong (see: and, even if nowadays the word value is more relevant in economics rather than in morals, it holds a central place in my life. They make me strong inside and the stronger I am, the better I feel.
  My values are neither generic goals that someone set for me to follow blindly and with no discussion nor a banner to exhibit and to boast about; on the contrary, they are something mine, that I nurtured with experiences, books and reflections both within myself and with other people. As I grew older, my understanding of what I consider my values deepened and now I can easily list and discuss them in public in order to present who I am and why I do the things I do the way I do them. 
  I am aware that everyone of us has got different opinions on every aspect of human life, so I hope I can be clear enough not to generate doubts and misunderstand.

The first word that I came up with is “integrity”. It has been setting among my thoughts for a while now and I cannot even say why. The only thing I can say it has got a nice sound and a nicer meaning. It means “the quality of not being touched”, hence its more modern meaning of “being unspoiled, pure, upright and correct”. What a word!
  To me, integrity equals to the will to stay true to one’s own deep nature and tastes: as the saying goes, a leopard cannot change his spots. For better or for worse, I am who am I am and there are things I will never do to please someone or to go with the flow or to avoid a punishment I deem as unjust. As a human being, I strive to respect what I feel the universal order is, with no interference or ego-centred stance. As a designer, my tastes are well definite, my abilities are clear even if they may be obviously improved and my ideas about art are on display in my Italian books that I hope to issue as soon as possible also in English. 
  It goes without saying that it is a constant attempt, both as a person and as a visual artist. Not all attempts end up with good results in real life and in designing but I can proudly say that I never give up. Every day I get nearer to the person I like to be, no matter how hard or tiring it may be. It is a subtle tuning more than a fight. I do not like fighting, fight entails a huge waste of energies that could be directed to something more constructive, so I prefer to treat my worse traits as childish whims that is better not to give free way. In this way, I can know myself better and adhere more coherently to who I am. 
  This is the real problem. We are made in layers, many of which are built by our family, the society we live in, our studies, the kind of people we stick with, the mainstream thoughts of the moment and our social, historical and geographical context: all that usually goes unnoticed yet places hard-to-remove coats of habits that do not really belong to ourselves. Disconnecting ourselves from our inherited habits to discover our true nature in order to stick to it, in two words practising integrity, is a long process that may take years, yet it is necessary to learn to love and to cherish oneself in order to love and cherish the others. It is a never-ending organic growth, so it cannot be mathematically described with a precise curve. It moves and evolves, it pauses and it goes along with our will to make it. It resembles a living thing, a plant, a bindweed maybe, that stretches its tendrils to find support, yet we are both the bindweed and the support and we must not forget it.
  Integrity involves courage and this is the next value I will talk about.


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