Cookie consent

This website uses cookies to provide visitors’ browsing experience and relevant information. Before continuing to surf this website, visitors are to agree and accept this site’s Cookie Policy & Privacy. This site only uses technical and session cookies; it does not profile visitors. Please note that the present consent is valid only for the current session.

Accept policy

General information

The vast majority of design projects run smoothly, without any problems. However, from time to time, something does come up, and these terms and conditions are designed to ensure that we are both protected from any unexpected circumstances. The following Terms and Conditions apply to all products and services provided by Grazia Cavasino Freelance Artist (hereinafter referred to as RhSD or ‘I’). By accepting a quote or register to site, you are considered to have accepted these terms.


Operational and specific information on services and navigation on the portal.
Operation and types of requests that may appear on the site.

Member site

  • After entering a nick, a valid email and the captcha code, the portal will send to your email address an OTP code that you must enter in the new page that will appear. This will not only confirm that you are not a machine but also that the email is valid. After entering the OTP code and sending via the dedicated button, the system will send you a second email with a dedicated link through which you can enter your password. The link is valid for only two hours, once expired, it will no longer be useful. Once you have entered your password, you will be able to login to the site. In case the link validity has expired, you can request to recover your password. Please keep in mind that in a 15 to 30 day period, without any confirmation of the password, the system will delete your account.
  • In the login form there is a link to recover your password. You are asked to enter the email address and your nick so that the portal can send an email link that will let you change the password. This procedure is to be used when the password change link expires in the event of a new subscription. Please remember that if an account stays latent for one year, the following year will be automatically deleted.
  • The site subscribers can have their own comment(s) posted on the blog posts or portfolio. The user’s entry is automatic, however, in case you want your site to be visible, you may write in but please keep in mind that it may be visible or not according to the blog type of posts. The comment cannot be formatted and line jumps are automatically interpreted by the system. The insertion is immediate, there is no confirmation and the comment is not erasable. If you want to delete your comment, you must ask the owner of the portal through the information form and indicating the date and address of the page.

    Important: When posting information, material and content in the comments, you agree not to:
    1. defame, intimidate or threaten others;
    2. interfere with users’privacy;
    3. post defamatory material (i.e.: offensive of the reputation of an individual or business);
    4. post obscene, offensive or indecent material or material that offends the sense of modesty;
    5. use any trademark, logo, copyrighted material or other intellectual property without the permission of the site owner;
    6. promote, directly or indirectly, lotteries, or other similar gaming activities;
    7. post any material that may damage the functioning of a computer, such as viruses, bugs, worms or troyans;
    8. advertise or sell goods or services;
    9. violate any law, regulatory, regional rules and generally any mandatory rules in force;
    10. iindicate via an external link a site that violates one of the previous points;
    11. falsifying your identity or affiliation with any other person or organisation;
    12. send unsolicited mail to people who do not wish to receive email from you;
    13. eliminate or falsify attributions, trademarks or source designations from any content on the website;
    14. promote or forward surveys, contests, sweepstakes, chain letters;
    15. collect or store personal data about other users;
    16. damage, directly or indirectly, the image, reputation and in general any element connected even incidentally to LHM owner.

    Furthermore, the site owner has got the unquestionable right to delete any content posted by a site user who in any way or manner resulted in a significant number of reports and protests addressed by other users of the site or judicial authorities to her.
  • The portal provides five types of users:
    1. member may see the blog and the private portfolio, comment and vote on posts, download some projects from the document area, watch some videos and receive news via the newsletter;
    2. client may do all the previous and has got a preferential address on the contact form and may access directly the artist;
    3. collaborator may do what a member may do that of the member, will have a preferential address on the contact form;
    4. specials: Please be aware that the “special users” status is granted after a long direct relationship with the site owner on her sole discretion.
  • Each resource, text or image or project, is given to the authorized visitor free of charge exclusively for PERSONAL use. In NO WAY users can sell, change it, modify it, transform it into other formats or use it in commercial projects. Each resource may be modified by the author and may be discontinued. The author takes no responsibility for the consistency or accuracy of the same resources in case of hosting memory loss.

  • Privacy policies are well indicated on the dedicated page. User should be remembered to always check the type of connection, it is the responsibility of the user or visitor to access, in particular on the information form or login in SSL, otherwise you will not be able to use this service. Please note the portal is controlled automatically: in case of attacks or improper use of the forms by a member, that member may be banned, blocked or deleted.

  • Any registered user can delete their account through the profile panel after logging in with their credentials. The procedure is automatic. Each comment will remain visible on the site with the (nick)name indicated at the time of publication. However, it will not be linked to any account.

    Users’ commitment to comply with these terms and conditions automatically begins when tthey first use this service and will continue until they use RhSD services. After the end of the services, compliance with the above conditions will continue for all outstanding relationships. Pursuant to the second paragraph of art. 1341 et seq. of DR 262/1942 of Italian Civil Code, the acceptor declares that he/she expressly accepts every single article from 1 to 12.
    Once the cancellation request has been made, the account is blocked and deleted within 30 days.

  • Sales

  • It is the client’s responsibility to check proofs carefulaly for accuracy in all respects including but not limited to prices, spelling, and dimensions. Grzia Cavasino is not liable for errors or omissions. The client’s written approval of an artwork proof, will be taken as confirmation that the project is correct and complete.

  • Should something happen for any reason whatsoever that causes the client to cancel a project once it has begun, they are completely free to do so. The client will simply be billed for any work completed up to the point of cancellation, and the author will send any work completed up to that point.
    In the unlikely event that some life altering event happens to cause the author to cancel a project, she will hand over any work completed up to the point of cancellation and refund the client for any payments made on incomplete work.

  • If there is a hard deadline for a project, the client must communicate it clearly up front before the project begins. It is always the author’s intention to complete any project on time. Revisions and the client’s response times play a major role in the amount of time it takes to complete a project. Therefore, the project completion date given to the client is not a guarantee. See also: Other - Health problems

  • The material projects will be sent by MBOX courier both to Italy and around the world. The author provides the best package of her creations but does not take responsibility for any damage caused by the courier. Shipping prices are visible on the courier’s website ( ). If this courier is not available, shipping will be carried out with a different courier and the customer will be notified of change.
    Please not that shipping costs are NOT included in the purchased good price.
  • Electronic projects can be downloaded through the "Documents" area of this portal or transferred in another way (email, webtransfert, external sites).

  • Customers may evaluate the author’s public and private portfolio and may ask her directly for something more suited to their needs. The ready-made projects are immediately available, while dedicated project requires a certain amount of time, which will be estimated during the agreement exchanges.

  • Please contact the author with the information form.
    Payments are to be done via the indicated bank transfer only. Complying to Italian fiscal laws, regular invoice will be issued.

  • Other

  • The artist is willing to respect the general delivery terms and will do her best to comply, however, due to her precarious health, delays are possible. Any form of pressure or penalty against her is out of the question. In the case of a contract or even a simple written or verbal agreement, this clause is non-negotiable and must be taken into account beforehand.

  • You agree to indemnify and hold harmless RhSD and its collaborators, successors and assigns, from all losses arising from any third party claim particularly as a result of any third party action brought for infringement of another's intellectual property right, for infringement of any law, rule or regulation, or for posting content that constitutes or contains material that is a source of libel, defamation or an invasion of privacy or constitutes fraud. Neither party will be liable for any failure or delay in performing their obligations if and to the extent that such failure or delay is caused by: fire, flood, earthquake or force majeure in general, riots, civil unrest, rebellion or revolutions in any country, or for any other like cause beyond the reasonable control of such person.
  • Note that the site is equipped with a warning system. In the event of access to non -existent pages or fraudulent access to access the services or repeated abuse of the information module, the network from which they are made will be included in the black list and the portal will no longer be available.
    This choice will be definitive when access comes from a hosting service or a proxy service, for a fixed time if it will be an ISP or a service similar to these. The pages must be visited with the browser, WhatsApp or Telegram or similar programs are banned. If the access attempts are repeated several times in a second the network is banned.

  • The terms of service may be changed over the months or years or possibly added to the contract itself. It is therefore advisable to always read these terms well and completely when you go to sign the contract, given that it may contain information not publicly expressed here.
    Any member who uses their account to advertise or post links to sites other than their own will be blocked and the post will be deleted.

  • As a client, you guarantee that all elements of text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork you provide are either owned by your company or that you have permission to use them.
    Copyright is retained by me, Grazia Cavasino, on all design works including words, pictures, ideas, visuals and illustrations until all costs have been settled. When your final payment has cleared, copyright will be automatically assigned as follows unless something different was agreed upon and stated in a written way.
    You will own the visual elements that I create for this project. I will give you the finished print-ready or digital files and you should keep them somewhere safe as I am not required to keep a copy. You own all elements of text, images and data you provided, unless someone else owns them. I will own the source files unless we agree otherwise.
    I reserve the right, unless you specifically ask me not to, to display your project as part of my portfolio and for use on social media.

For all

What do both parties agree to do?
As client you agree the following. You have the authority to enter into this contract on behalf of yourself, your company or your organization. You agree to provide the artist with everything that she needs to complete the project including text, images, moodboards and other information as and when she needs them, and in the format that she asks for. You will review her work and provide feedback and approval in a timely manner. You also agree to stick to the payment schedule set out in these terms and conditions.
As the author I agree the following. I have the experience and ability to perform the services you need from me and I will carry them out in a professional and timely manner compatibly with my health situation of the moment. Along the way I will endeavour to meet all the deadlines set but I cannot be responsible for a missed deadline if materials have been supplied late or have not approved or signed off my work on-time at any stage. I will maintain the confidentiality of any information that you give me.

Artist's Services
These Terms and Conditions allow for up to two sets of revisions unless agreed otherwise prior to starting the project. Extra revisions are subject to additional charges at my discretion. As client, you should supply graphic files in an editable, vector digital format. You should supply photographs in a high resolution digital format. If you would like me to search for photographs for you, I can provide a separate estimate for that. I never use any of the softwares commonly known in the industry but I can provide PDF, SVG or EPS files with no problem. If you need any advice on the formats, I am here to help.
I am not responsible for writing or editing any text copy unless specified in the original estimate. If you would like me to write new content or edit text for you, I can provide a separate estimate for that.
If you want to add anything new or change your mind about something as the project progresses, you are entitled to do so but I will provide a separate quote as required. If a choice of designs is presented and one is chosen for your project, only that solution is deemed to be given by us as fulfilling the contract. All other designs remain my own property, unless specifically agreed in writing.
Please note: Once you approve to email a design it is considered final. After this any changes requested will be quoted and billed separately. Be sure to proof read carefully before approving the final design.

RhSD will not be responsible for any damages your business may suffer. I can not guarantee that my work will be error-free and so I cannot be liable to you or any third-party for damages, including lost profits, lost savings or other incidental, consequential or special damages, even if you have advised me of them. RhSD will not be responsible for damages by couriers.
Finally, if any provision of this contract shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this contract and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
RhSD reserves the right to revise its policies, Terms and Conditions at any time.

Acceptance of Terms
By accepting a quotation and supplying information/images/files to allow a project to commence, the Client agrees that they have read, understood, and are considered legally bound to these terms.

Updated 2023, Oct 30